Monday, August 24, 2020
Ethical Issues in Business IP Week 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Moral Issues in Business IP Week 5 - Essay Example Another imperative part of morals in business is guaranteeing wellbeing in the work environment. In view of the way that workers are significant assets in any organization, managers should take activities to shield them from high temperatures, poor ventilation, fire and poor lighting. Along these lines, sicknesses that may build the pace of non-attendance will be altogether diminished. Presentation As organizations connect each other in a hardened rivalry, a few bosses have taken activities to upgrade the installments of their representatives and ranking directors as a method of holding them and improving their efficiency. Be that as it may, a few directors have practically no worry of the government assistance of their representatives in this way rising the topic of what amount are financial specialists ready to imitate morals in the work places. One of the major moral concerns is the measure of pay and advantages gave to their representatives and their close relatives. Similarly, s ecurity in the work places is a key issue that businesses ought not neglect. In such manner, I have picked the subject of morals in pay of the representatives and security in the work puts as a method of guaranteeing that representatives are genuinely rewarded in the work places. So also, my intended interest group is the businesses and the speculators who are engaged at expanding their benefits to the detriment of their representatives. ... Wages and advantages To guarantee that representatives stay steadfast towards their organizations, bosses have significant task to carry out of guaranteeing that pay rates and advantages paid to their laborers are practical and inspiring. One of significant issue that makes poor connection between the workers and the businesses is the high pay paid to the administrators while different representatives are not contemplated. Dominant part of businesses have different alternatives about the measure of pay and wages that is paid to their representatives. For instance, a few organizations accept that the ordered least pay rates by the government are adequate to keep up their representatives (Robbins and Judge, 2007). Similarly, a few managers accept they are at freedom to pay anything to the laborers and as such workers should accept any position paying little mind to the wages they get. Speculators ought to guarantee morals are maintained in their organizations by giving adaptable advant ages. A portion of the significant advantages that a firm should give their representatives incorporate medical coverage, paid get-aways, preparing, paid wiped out leaves just as retirement benefits among others. Also, bosses should guarantee adaptable working hours to guarantee that their representatives address private issues that may influences the convergence of the laborers in this manner diminishing their profitability (Resnik, 2009). To create proficient capacities of their representatives and make them concentrated on accomplishing their objectives just as those of the whole organization, directors ought to apply headway programs. Such projects ought to be attempted during yearly leaves or in the nights after work. To guarantee sufficient pay and adaptable
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Tiananmen Square Massacre - Background and Causes
The Tiananmen Square Massacre - Background and Causes A great many people in the western world recollect the Tiananmen Square Massacre thusly: 1) Students fight for majority rule government in Beijing, China, in June of 1989. 2) Chinese government sends troops and tanks to Tiananmen Square. 3) Student nonconformists are severely slaughtered. Fundamentally, this is a genuinely exact portrayal of what occurred around Tiananmen Square, yet the circumstance was any longer enduring and more turbulent than this diagram proposes. The fights really began in April of 1989, as open shows of grieving for previous Communist Party Secretary General Hu Yaobang. A high government authorities memorial service appears to be an impossible flash for star vote based system exhibits and turmoil. In any case, when the Tiananmen Square Protests and Massacre were over under two months after the fact, 250 to 7,000 individuals lay dead. What truly happened that spring in Beijing? Foundation to Tiananmen By the 1980s, the pioneers of Chinas Communist Party realized that old style Maoism had fizzled. Mao Zedongs approach of fast industrialization and collectivization of land, the Great Leap Forward, had executed a huge number of individuals by starvation. The nation at that point slipped into the dread and rebellion of the Cultural Revolution (1966-76), a bash of viciousness and pulverization that saw teenaged Red Guards mortify, torment, murder and in some cases even rip apart many thousands or a great many their countrymen. Vital social legacies were wrecked; customary Chinese expressions and religion were everything except quenched. Chinas administration realized that they needed to cause changes so as to stay in power, however what changes would it be advisable for them to make? The Communist Party pioneers split between the individuals who supported extreme changes, including a push toward entrepreneur monetary approaches and more noteworthy individual flexibilities for Chinese residents, versus the individuals who supported cautious tinkering with the order economy and proceeded with exacting control of the populace. In the mean time, with the administration uncertain of which course to take, the Chinese individuals drifted in a no-keeps an eye ashore between dread of the tyrant state, and the craving to stand up for change. The administration impelled disasters of the past two decades left them hungry for change, however mindful that the iron clench hand of Beijings authority was constantly prepared to crush down restriction. Chinas individuals held on to see what direction the breeze would blow. The Spark - Memorial for Hu Yaobang Hu Yaobang was a reformist, who filled in as General Secretary of the Communist Party of China from 1980 to 1987. He supported recovery of individuals mistreated during the Cultural Revolution, more prominent independence for Tibet, rapprochement with Japan, and social and monetary change. Thus, he was constrained out of office by the hardliners in January of 1987 and made to offer embarrassing open self-reactions for his purportedly average thoughts. One of the charges leveled against Hu was that he had supported (or if nothing else permitted) across the board understudy dissents in late 1986. As General Secretary, he would not get serious about such fights, accepting that contradict by the scholarly people ought to be endured by the Communist government. Hu Yaobang kicked the bucket of a coronary failure not long after his ouster and disfavor, on April 15, 1989. Official media made simply concise notice of Hus demise, and the administration from the start didn't plan to give him a state burial service. In response, college understudies from across Beijing walked on Tiananmen Square, yelling worthy, government-endorsed mottos, and requiring the restoration of Hus notoriety. Bowing to this weight, the administration chose to accord Hu a state burial service all things considered. In any case, government authorities on April 19 would not get a designation of understudy solicitors, who calmly held back to talk with somebody for three days at the Great Hall of the People. This would end up being the administrations first serious mix-up. Hus stifled dedication administration occurred on April 22 and was welcomed by immense understudy showings including around 100,000 individuals. Hardliners inside the legislature were very uncomfortable with the fights, yet General Secretary Zhao Ziyang accepted that the understudies would scatter once the burial service functions were finished. Zhao was certain to such an extent that he took seven days in length excursion to North Korea for a highest point meeting. The understudies, in any case, were infuriated that the legislature had would not get their appeal, and encouraged by the docile response to their fights. All things considered, the Party had shunned taking action against them up to this point, and had even given in to their requests for a legitimate burial service for Hu Yaobang. They kept on dissenting, and their mottos wandered further and further from the endorsed writings. Occasions Begin to Spin Out of Control With Zhao Ziyang out of the nation, hardliners in the legislature, for example, Li Peng accepted the open door to twist the ear of the incredible pioneer of the Party Elders, Deng Xiaoping. Deng was known as a reformer himself, strong of market changes and more noteworthy transparency, however the hardliners misrepresented the danger presented by the understudies. Li Peng even disclosed to Deng that the nonconformists were antagonistic to him by and by, and were requiring his ouster and the defeat of the Communist government. (This allegation was a creation.) Plainly stressed, Deng Xiaoping chose to impugn the shows in a publication distributed in the April 26th Peoples Daily. He called the fights dongluan (which means strife or revolting) by a little minority. These exceptionally emotive terms were related with the outrages of the Cultural Revolution. As opposed to packing down the understudies intensity, Dengs publication further aggravated it. The legislature had quite recently committed its second grave error. Not preposterously, the understudies felt that they couldn't end the dissent in the event that it was marked dongluan, for dread that they would be indicted. Somewhere in the range of 50,000 of them kept on squeezing the case that enthusiasm propelled them, not hooliganism. Until the administration ventured over from that portrayal, the understudies couldn't leave Tiananmen Square. Yet, the administration excessively was caught by the article. Deng Xiaoping had marked his notoriety, and that of the legislature, on recovering the understudies to down. Who might squint first? Standoff, Zhao Ziyang versus Li Peng General Secretary Zhao came back from North Korea to discover China transfixed by the emergency. He despite everything felt that the understudies were no genuine danger to the administration, however, and looked to defuse the circumstance, encouraging Deng Xiaoping to retract the incendiary publication. Li Peng, be that as it may, contended that to step back currently would be a deadly demonstration of shortcoming by the Party initiative. In the interim, understudies from different urban areas filled Beijing to join the fights. All the more unfavorably for the legislature, different gatherings additionally participate: housewives, laborers, specialists, and even mariners from the Chinese Navy! The fights likewise spread to different urban areas - Shanghai, Urumqi, Xian, Tianjin... just about 250 taking all things together. By May 4, the quantity of nonconformists in Beijing had topped 100,000 once more. On May 13, the understudies made their next critical stride. They declared a yearning strike, with the objective of getting the legislature to withdraw the April 26 article. Over a thousand understudies participated in the craving strike, which incited wide-spread compassion toward them among the general masses. The administration met in a crisis Standing Committee meeting the next day. Zhao encouraged his kindred chiefs to acquiesce to the understudies request and pull back the article. Li Peng encouraged aâ crackdown. The Standing Committee was halted, so the choice was passed to Deng Xiaoping. The following morning, he declared that he was setting Beijing under military law. Zhao was terminated and put under house capture; hard-liner Jiang Zemin succeeded him as General Secretary; andâ fire-brand Li Peng was set in charge of the military powers in Beijing. Amidst the unrest, Soviet Premier and individual reformer Mikhail Gorbachevâ arrived in China for converses with Zhao on May 16. Because of Gorbachevs nearness, a huge unforeseen of outside columnists and picture takers likewise plunged on the strained Chinese capital. Their reports energized universal concern and calls for limitation, just as thoughtful fights in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and ex-loyalist Chinese people group in Western countries. This universal outcryâ placed even moreâ pressure on the Chinese Communist Party administration. Promptly in the first part of the day on May 19, the ousted Zhao showed up in Tiananmen Square. Talking through a bullhorn, he told the dissidents: Students, we came past the point of no return. We are grieved. You talk about us, condemn us, it is all important. The explanation that I came here isn't to request that you excuse us. All I need to state is that understudies are getting exceptionally feeble, it is the seventh day since you went on hunger strike, you cannot proceed with like this... You are as yet youthful, there are as yet numerous days yet to come, you should liveâ healthily, and see the day when China achieves the four modernizations. You dislike us, we are as of now old, it doesnt matter to usâ anymore. It was the last time he was ever found out in the open. Maybe in light of Zhaos offer, during the most recent seven day stretch of May pressures facilitated a piece, and a significant number of the understudy dissenters from Beijing became exhausted of the dissent and left the square. In any case, fortifications from the regions kept on filling the city. Firm stance understudy pioneers required the dissent to proceed until June 20, when a gathering of the National Peoples Congress was planned to happen. On May 30, the understudies set up an enormous model called the Goddess of Democracy in Ti
Saturday, July 18, 2020
26 Books Authors Are Reading on Instagram this Fall
26 Books Authors Are Reading on Instagram this Fall Does anyone else like to stalk what books authors are reading on Instagram? You dont have to admit it. Now, Ive done the work so you dont have to. With cozy weather, back-to-school, and no excuse not to read with a cup of something warm and a soft blanket, these 25 authors are getting into the autumn reading spirit! So please be warned, reading further probably will increase the list of books you want to read. Ta-Nehisi Coates is reading American Spy by Lauren Wilkinson View this post on Instagram This was really really good. Spy fiction plus allegory and a splash of pan-Africanism. What could go wrong? As it happens, very very little. Coolest part of @thrillkinson’s joint is how she extends the metaphor of a spy into so many spacesâ€"a mother passing for white, a gay spook for straight CIA agent, and a black woman passing as an agent of empire. There’s a beautiful scene where the protagonist’s younger sister terrorizes a bully by pretending to be her friend and then beating the hell out of her for picking on her sister. That’s the second beatdown. After the first, which takes place at a public pool, the sister just remarks nonchalantly, “Made me get my hair wet.†I’m obviously not doing that moment justice, but trust me, the whole set-up and payoff is clever, bracing and darkly funny. As is the whole book. My pops was in the Panthers. The FBI spied during those years and for years after. I got a perverses thrill out of putting myself in the mind of the kind of black person who would have that done that spying. I know I’m weird. Or maybe that’s what fiction is supposed to do. Take us into alien selves. Anyway, you could do a lot worse than cracking this joint right here. Come for the thrilling open. Stay for fhe Thomas Sankara sightings. Thanks, Obama. No, seriously. Good looking out. (PS Kept thinking of Sam Greenlee while reading.) A post shared by Ta-Nehisi Coates (@tanehisipcoates) on Oct 3, 2019 at 2:48pm PDT Margaret Atwood is reading Empire of Wild by Cherie Dimaline View this post on Instagram @cherie.dimaline’s deftly-written, gripping and informative Empire of Wild is a rip-roaring read! Ripping, roaring, fur flying, and More! Don’t try any of this at home. A post shared by Margaret Atwood (@therealmargaretatwood) on Oct 1, 2019 at 1:35pm PDT Laurie Halse Anderson is reading Internment by Samira Ahmed View this post on Instagram Vacation, Day 4 A post shared by Laurie Halse Anderson (@halseanderson) on Sep 12, 2019 at 4:46pm PDT Taylor Jenkins Reid is reading Good Talk by Mira Jacob View this post on Instagram Boy, did I love Good Talk by @goodtalkthanks. I recommended it in a recent newsletter and Im still thinking about it. Has anyone read it? Truly, truly something special. #strongrecommendxtjr A post shared by Taylor Jenkins Reid (@tjenkinsreid) on Sep 24, 2019 at 10:00am PDT Nic Stone is reading Slay by Brittney Morris, Red at the Bone by Jacqueline Woodson, and Who Put This Song On? by Morgan Parker View this post on Instagram Literal best mail day I have ever lived. •••••••• #RedAtTheBone by @jacqueline_woodson: a stunning multi-generational, multi-POV familial saga about the ties that bind us, and the seemingly small acts that loosen the knots. Out yesterday (9/17/19) •••••••• #Slay by @brittneymmorris: A racist troll infiltrates a For Us By Us virtual reality game after a tragedy pulls said game into the center of an international spotlight and debate AND #WhoPutThisSongOn by @morganapple0: An utterly immersive deep dive into the effects of anxiety, depression and tokenism on a black girl stuck in a world where she doesnt fit in myriad ways. BOTH out 9/24/19. •••••••• Get them all. A post shared by Nic Stone (@nicstone) on Sep 18, 2019 at 5:08pm PDT Alyssa Cole is reading The Worst Best Man by Mia Sosa View this post on Instagram Just got some GORGEOUS bookmail! This ARC of @miasosaromance’s upcoming The Worst Best Man is so pretty, and I cant wait to read what’s between the covers too! A post shared by Alyssa Cole (@alyssacolelit) on Oct 4, 2019 at 7:48am PDT Cheryl Strayed is Reading This Particular Happiness by Jackie Shannon Hollis and The Butterfly Girl by Rene Denfeld View this post on Instagram This week two books by two luminous lovely writers I admire were published. The Butterfly Girl by @rdenfeld and This Particular Happiness by @jackie.shannon.hollis are both books I highly recommend. One is a gritty, gorgeous novel; the other is an illuminating and beautiful memoir. I’m telling you about these books because I love them, not because I was asked to (which frankly I never do, though I’m hounded to do so daily, because if I ever do that, who the fuck am I anymore?). Just so you know. A post shared by Cheryl Strayed (@cherylstrayed) on Oct 5, 2019 at 5:37pm PDT Gayle Forman is reading Emergency Contact by Mary H.K. Choi View this post on Instagram I know, I know. I am late to this party. But I absolutely fell in LOVE with @choitotheworlds EMERGENCY CONTACT. ?? The writing is biting, relatable and lovely everything I need right now. I cant wait to read her latest, PERMANENT RECORD. Thank you for sharing Penny and Sam. Cant wait for fall for Pablo and Leanna.????????? .????????? .????????? .????????? .????????? .????????? #emergencycontact #maryhkchoi #youngadultlit #yalit #bookish #bookstagram #booksofinstagram #bookreview A post shared by Gayle Forman (@gayleforman) on Oct 10, 2019 at 2:30pm PDT Adam Silvera is reading Frankly in Love by David Yoon View this post on Instagram Real love for this story about a fake dating scheme. I first met @davidoftheyoon in January 2015 when his wife @nicolayoon and I were about to do our first panel for our debut novels. Dave has remained such a true friend ever since and I was BLOWN AWAY when I read his opening pages while Nicki drove me somewhere. Go out and meet Frank Li, friends. With so many starred reviews and a glowing review in the New York Times you wont be alone. ???????? #FranklyInLove A post shared by ADAM SILVERA (@adamsilvera) on Sep 10, 2019 at 1:34pm PDT Sona Charaipotra is reading When You Ask Me Where Im Going by Jasmin Kaur View this post on Instagram Tonight’s reading. @jusmun #whenyouaskmewhereimgoing #amreading #poetry #mustread A post shared by Sona Charaipotra (@sonesone2) on Sep 27, 2019 at 8:09pm PDT Rebekah Weatherspoon is reading The Idea of You by Robinne Lee and How to Hack a Heartbreak by Kristin Rockaway View this post on Instagram Another fine Saturday at @therippedbodice ! ???? A post shared by Rebekah Weatherspoon (@rebekahweatherspoon) on Sep 21, 2019 at 4:50pm PDT Pepper Winters is reading The Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean M. Auel View this post on Instagram Walking little Mo and reading a classic. These paperbacks are one of very few I own. I first read this series when I was sixteen and then again and again. I love the detail, the descriptions, the realism of a bygone era, and after convincing a friend to jump in, I had to do a re-read. #favbookever A post shared by Pepper Winters (@pepperwinters) on Oct 2, 2019 at 2:54pm PDT Rainbow Rowell is reading Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik View this post on Instagram this is a goodass book, is what i kept thinking as i inhaled it. A post shared by Rainbow Rowell (@rainbowrowell) on Sep 29, 2019 at 2:16pm PDT Elizabeth Gilbert is reading I Might Regret This by Abbi Jacobson View this post on Instagram Balanced upon the palm of my hand is yet another delicious book that I wish you would all read. It’s called I MIGHT REGRET THIS, by the brilliant @abbijacobson. Many of you may know Abbi from her star-making and groundbreaking work on the TV show BROAD CITY. (A moment of silence and reverence, please, for the perfection of that show. Shhhh. Let’s just be still for a moment, for BROAD CITY is sacred unto me. Ok, thank you. Amen.) But Abbi is also a gifted and searching essayist, and a beautiful visual artist, as well. In this book, she combines her art and her words to create a funny, thoughtful, and heart-rich memoir of a long, solo drive that she took across America after a tough breakup. Studded with drawings and musings and sparkling observations, this book is what I WISH my journal looked like. It’s something very special, I think you’ll all relate to it, it’s freshly out in paperback, it would make a good gift for any cool women in your life, and I love it, and that ’s all there is to say about that, except: CONGRATULATIONS, ABBI!!! Ya done good. ??LG #imightregretthisbook #abbijacobson A post shared by Elizabeth Gilbert (@elizabeth_gilbert_writer) on Sep 30, 2019 at 1:26pm PDT Aminah Mae Safi is reading Time of Our Lives by Emily Wibberley and Austin Siegemund-Broka View this post on Instagram I loved this book with my whole heartâ€" thanks for writing it @wibbs_ink and @austins_b ???????? ? ? ? ? ? #wibbroka #timeofourlives #yalit #roadtripbook #bookstagram #readergram #backtoschool #emilywibberley #austinsiegemundbroka A post shared by Aminah Mae Safi (@aminahmae) on Sep 16, 2019 at 8:23am PDT Becky Albertalli is reading Dear Sweat pea by Julie Murphy View this post on Instagram I’m pretty good at talking about my fat teen memories, but I don’t talk a lot about what came before that. For me, fifth grade was the roughest year in my fat kid life. I was bullied relentlessly by my assigned lunch group, and I felt completely alone. I can’t even begin to imagine how much a book like this would have changed my life. Happy belated release day, Dear Sweet Pea. I will never, ever stop being grateful for @andimjulie’s stories. A post shared by Becky Albertalli (@beckyalbertalli) on Oct 3, 2019 at 5:56am PDT Victoria Aveyard is reading Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo, The Beautiful by Renée Ahdieh, and Serpent Dove by Shelby Mahurin View this post on Instagram Hot Girl Summer is over, Spooky Girl Autumn has begun. ?? Ghosts, vampires, and witches incoming. NINTH HOUSE and THE BEAUTIFUL out next month, SERPENT DOVE out today! A post shared by Victoria Aveyard (@victoriaaveyard) on Sep 3, 2019 at 8:07am PDT Beatriz Williams is reading The Christmas Spirits on Tradd Street by Karen White View this post on Instagram Reading Christmas books at the beach? Mischievously wonderful, especially when the book in question is an advance copy of the upcoming @karenwhitewrite Tradd Street novel THE CHRISTMAS SPIRITS ON TRADD STREET. The irresistible Jack and Melanie are back with a marvelous ghostly mystery stretching back to the Revolution, and if that’s not enough, ?? SNOW ?? is forecast in Charleston over Christmas. (I can only imagine how hard it was for my dear, cold-natured Karen to write those scenes.) If you love atmospheric Southern mysteries with lovable humans, unquiet spirits, and a masterful storytelling voice, be sure to pick this simply perfect book up when it hits bookstores in October. #bookstagram #books #mystery #ghost #southernfiction #traddstreet A post shared by Beatriz Williams (@authorbeatriz) on Sep 8, 2019 at 8:25am PDT Sally Thorne is reading Viral by T. Gephart View this post on Instagram Gaze upon the beauty of the abs ???? Happy book release day to my dear friend and, dare I say it, my MENTOR @tinagephart I’m starting this book this afternoon! Sexy lead singer of a band has an online rant that goes viral, he has a complete creative meltdown and has to be talked down off the ledge by a music exec hoping to prove herself. (Weird that I can relate a little- I’m forever on the ledge ??) Sparks fly Tina does what she does best- funny sexy. Yay! To be in the dedication is such an honour too (swipe over- it was a privilege to be out on the ledge with you Tina) ?? #tinagephart #viral #newbookrelease #romcom A post shared by Sally Thorne (@sallythorneauthor) on Oct 3, 2019 at 7:27pm PDT Kelly deVos is reading The Speed of Falling Objects by Nancy Richardson Fischer View this post on Instagram Happiest of book birthdays to @nanfischerauthor and THE SPEED OF FALLING OBJECTS!! This is one of my absolute faves this year! ?????????????? Repost from @inkyardpress using @RepostRegramApp Happy Book Birthday to @nanfischerauthors THE SPEED OF FALLING OBJECTS! ?????? A post shared by Kelly deVos (@kellydevos) on Oct 1, 2019 at 9:04am PDT Jill Santopolo is reading The Only Plane in the Sky: An Oral History of 9/11 by Garrett M. Graff View this post on Instagram Just found out it’s #nationalreadabookday. Here’s what I’ve got on my nightstand right now, a gift from the folks over at @simonandschuster. Anyone who’s read #thelightwelost knows why. #theonlyplaneinthesky @vermontgmg @avidreaderpress A post shared by Jill Santopolo (@jillsantopolo) on Sep 6, 2019 at 3:52pm PDT Jen Pastiloff is reading How to Cure a Ghost by Fariha RóisÃn View this post on Instagram My sweet baby @fariha_roisin has a book out in the world it was waiting for me in LA. Now I’m back on a plane to the east coast weeping at these poems. People: get this book. @fariha_roisin I’ll see you this weekend in nyc. Friends: what are you reading? A post shared by Jen Pastiloff (@jenpastiloff) on Sep 30, 2019 at 6:37pm PDT Megan Stielstra is reading How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi View this post on Instagram A post shared by Megan Stielstra (@meganstielstra) on Sep 7, 2019 at 4:58pm PDT Amanda Joy is reading Tristan Strong Punches a Hole in the Sky by Kwame Mbalia View this post on Instagram QOTD: 1 random fact about you ?? Happy book release Tuesday! I’ve checked the mail like five times already looking for my copy of Ninth House lol. I’m so excited today to be a part of the blog tour for Kwame Mbalia’s TRISTAN STRONG PUNCHES A HOLE IN THE SKY! I feel like I’ve been waiting for this book forever. Even before it was announced, I’ve always wanted to read a book, particularly a middle grade fantasy adventure like PJO!, with a mythology that was distinctly Black American. My anticipation for TRISTAN STRONG has only gotten more intense since following @mbalia1 on twitter, because he’s hilarious. Here are three facts about @mbalia1: 1. Like Tristan, I grew up in the Midwest. Milwaukee Wisconsin to be exact. I actually did try to stick my hands in the freezer when I came in from the cold one snowy day just to see if it was warmer. 2. Unlike Tristan I cannot box, but I love the sweet science as its called. 3. The idea for Gum Baby came to me in a dream, when a t iny doll ridiculed me from her seat on my shoulder. BTW Gum Baby is a TALKING DOLL, so yeah, you want to pick this one up! All the books released by @readriordan Rick Riordan Presents have been so special. And I can tell TRISTAN STRONG is no different. Tristan Strong Punches A Hole in the Sky is available for preorder now and will be out in stores next Tuesday! • • • • • • • #bookstagram #?? #bibliophile #bookstack #bookstafeature #bookstagramfeature #influencer #bookishglee #bookish #middlegrade #mgreads #tristanstrongpunchesaholeinthesky #kwamembalia #rickriordan #rickriordanpresents #cakeliterary A post shared by Amanda Joy | Chicago, IL (@amandajoywrites) on Oct 8, 2019 at 12:55pm PDT Jessica Khoury is reading Assassins Apprentice by Robin Hobb View this post on Instagram When one of your all-time favorite books gets a gorgeous illustrated re-release, it doesn’t matter how many copies you already own: you SNATCH IT UP. Robin Hobb’s ASSASSIN’S APPRENTICE is top-tier fantasy written by a master, and I’m soooooo in love with this new edition! Can’t wait to reread for the fifth time. ???????? A post shared by Jessica Khoury (@authorjess) on Sep 30, 2019 at 8:34am PDT Dahlia Adler is Reading By Any Means Necessary by Candice Montgomery View this post on Instagram Did I accidentally preorder two copies of this baby? Sure did! Do I have any regrets? Sure don’t! I *love* this book, love the voice, love its warmth and humor, love its beekeeping MC, love its handling of complex relationships and communities, love its eye on gentrification, on growing up, on moving out, on moving forward. Love the friends, the romance, the college setting. Yes, okay, I’ll probably end up giving one copy away but for now, I’ll take as much of this baby in my life as I can get, and so should you ?? ?? ?? ?? #bookstagram #ByAnyMeansNecessary #CandiceMontgomery #YAlit #LGBQTReads #gayYA #IGreads A post shared by Dahlia Adler (@missdahlelama) on Oct 8, 2019 at 9:58am PDT And if your Instagram itch hasnt been totally scratched yet, peruse one of the following: 4 Books About Instagram 25 Accounts That Admire Odd Vintage Books 23 Bookcover Designers to Follow on Instagram 10 Black Women Bookstagrammers to Follow 8 Instagram Accounts for Picture Book Enthusiasts
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Electronic Medical Records Information And Privacy
In a world full of electronics it would only seem logical to have health records electronic. Not only are medical records efficient, reliable, and quick to access, new technology allow patients to access their own personal medical records with a simple to use login and password. â€Å"People are asking whether any kind of electronic records can be made safe. If one is looking for a 100% privacy guarantee, the answer is no†(Thede, 2010). At my hospital, upon every admission we ask the patient for a password for friends and family to have to have if they would like an update on the patient s condition. We do not let visitors come up and see the patient without the patient s consent. In doing these things, we help to ensure the safety and protection of the patient s health information and privacy. The Writer’s Opinion to organize your material I am all for electronic medical records. I have been in the healthcare field long enough to remember when patients medical records were paper. In my experience, paper medical records allow for patient privacy to be compromised. Some examples on how patient privacy can be disturbed when it comes to paper medical records are that almost anyone can go into the patient s chart that is in the nurses station. This can include physical and occupational therapists, certified nursing assistants, nurses and physicians who are not caring for the patient. There have been times where I have walked to the nurses station at my job and itShow MoreRelatedMedical Professionals Should Always Value A Patient s Ethical Right833 Words  | 4 PagesMedical professionals should always value a patient’s ethical right to privacy and confidentiality. Under the HIPPA law, there are still concerns with the protection of patient privacy; therefore, healthcare professionals must confront the growin g technological environment and find ways to increase access security, as well as discipline employees that violate a patient’s privacy. Electronic health records can be beneficial to providers from a cost and efficiency standpoint, but are patients reallyRead MoreBenefits Of An Ehr For Medical Records1557 Words  | 7 PagesDiscussion Although the general population has concerns about who has the ability to access their medical records, data has been put into place showed that the general population knows that having an EHR would be beneficial (Thede, 2010). Research has suggested that patients, providers and insurance companies have benefited from EHRs because insurance companies do not have to pay for duplicate testing as well as patients and providers having the ability to increase the quality of care that is providerRead MoreAdvantages and Disadvantages of Using Electronic Medical Records1237 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿Electronic Medical Records: Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) are computerized clinical records that are created in care delivery organizations like hospitals and physicians offices. Since their discovery, electronic medical records have been increasingly used by primary care physicians as a way to effectively manage the huge number of patient information. Many physicians and hospital staffs have stated that the EMR systems have had a huge impact on their management of patients records and theirRead More Electronic Health Record Essay1295 Words  | 6 Pagespaper based medical records, a new type of record keeping has surfaced - the Electronic Health Record (EHR). EHR is an electronic or digital format concept of an individual’s past and present medical history. It is the principle storage place for data and information about the health care services provided to an individual patient. It is maintained by a provider over time and capable of being shared across different healthcare settings by networ k-connected information systems. Such records may includeRead MoreElectronic Medical And Health Records Essay1681 Words  | 7 Pages Electronic Medical and Health Records: The Future of Healthcare Nursing Informatics Seanequa Morrison Dr. Gwen Morse November 22, 2016 Abstract Electronic medical records often used interchangeably with the term electronic health records are potential systems that are being used to not only transform the way healthcare is being delivered, but to promote the quality of care of patients while creating less medical errors. In recent years electronic health records (EHR) has evolved its conceptRead MoreMedical Record Speech Assignment1010 Words  | 5 PagesElectronic Medical Record Speech Michelle Hardman The difference between a paper based and electronic medical record system is where the paper-based records has been around for a very long time and have been known to be a replacement by computer-based records in the western health care systems. The electronic medical record (EMR) systems where mainly used for administrative usage rather than clinical purposes. Whereas, the electronic medical record is a computerized health informationRead MoreElectronic Health Records ( Ehr ) And The American Recovery Reinvestment Act1735 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction With the advent of electronic health records (EHR’s) and The American Recovery Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009, electronic health records have become main stream and a requirement for healthcare providers who treat Medicaid and Medicare patients. An electronic health record (EHR) is a digital version of a patient’s paper chart (Health IT, n.d.). EHRs are real-time, patient-centered records that make information available instantly and securely to authorized users. A portion of ARRARead MoreThe Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act827 Words  | 4 Pagesin the middle of changing jobs to ensure insurance coverage remains. Title II is a national safeguard against electronic healthcare transactions and creates provisions for the safety and privacy of health information (Polito, 2012). HIPAA privacy rules protect patients privacy and provide patients access to their medical records. The security standards include certain integrity, privacy, and physical safeguards component, protecting computer systems and network system from physical intrusion andRead MoreAn Electronic Health Record ( Ehr )1315 Words  | 6 Pagesprotect patients’ healthcare information since they first introduced The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPPA). Since that time, technology has paved the way for The Electronic Health Record (EHR). Those that promote the usage of the EHR as the standard of care, strongly believe that the risks of privacy are outweighed by the benefits that it brings. These benefits include, but are not limited to: improved patient care, decreased medical errors, and better collaborationRead MoreSystem For Financially Penalizing Providers That Do Not Comply With The New Requirements954 Words  | 4 Pageswith the new requirem ents. As the relevant literature indicates, electronic health records will have man consequences not only for health care providers and their staffs but also for patients and their family members, insurance companies, IT developers, and others. Information on these consequences was gathered from peer-reviewed publications as well other reputable academic, medical, and media sources. In examining the information, it is evident that there are both advantages and disadvantages
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Assignment for Pgd - 1041 Words
Nelson College London Coursework Assessment Feedback (Final Submission) Course Details Course Name Unit number Unit Name Credit Value Lecturer Hand Out Date Hand In Date 11/03/2011 BTEC Advanced Professional Diploma in Strategic Management Leadership (Level7) 9 Managing Corporate Responsibility In The Wider Business Environment 10 A.Ismail ï‚ · This assignment must be completed by all the candidates undertaking Edexcel BTEC Level-7 Advanced Professional Diploma in Management. Reasonable consideration will be given in the case of failure to submit the assignments on time due to any medical reasons. ( Provided the sufficient medical proof is made available at the time of exemption) Late submissions are not allowed and will be†¦show more content†¦In case of any concerns or matters report to your unit lecturer/programme leader/course administrator at least 2 weeks before submission date. Late submissions are not allowed and will be penalised Due consideration will be given to students who have failed to submit their scripts due to any major illness or medical condition. ï‚ · ï‚ · Submission Declaration I declare that the work contained in this assignment is my own. Referencing is provided for citation and research materials. I authorise the NCL/Edexcel to test any work submitted by me, using text comparison software, for instances of plagiarism. I understand this will involve the NCL or Edexcel or its contractor copying my work and storing it on a database to be used in future to test work submitted by others. Signed Date Note: The attachment of this statement on any electronically submitted assignment will be deemed to have the same authority as a signed statement. For Office Use Only Date received from Student Academic Staff member Olympic House, Clements Road, Ilford, IG1 1BA, T: ++44(0) 20 8514 0033, F: ++ 44 (0) 20 8478 7695Show MoreRelatedAbp Assignments1021 Words  | 5 PagesA.A. Hamilton College, London Assignment Outline Module tutor | | Email | | Course | PGD level 7 | Unit Title | | Study methods: Assessment | | Handout Date: | Submission Deadline: | ------------------------------------------------- Student Name: Student ID: I hereby certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own. Where the work of others has been used to support my work then credit has been acknowledged. Signature: †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Date:Read MoreSwot and Pestel Analysis of an Organisation of Your Choice. 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CASE STUDY #4 Trust during the Dot-com Boom By Jessica Silliman Reyna Allen had her pick of jobs upon graduationRead MoreProfessional Development4585 Words  | 19 Pagesmeaningful. 3. The goal assessment criteria should be clear upfront. Using these guidelines, the professional development skills will be planned and assessed so that achievement of strategic direction of the organisation is supported. This assignment criterion is dealt by assuming my own personal and professional development plans, and its assessment and evaluation. P 1.1 Use of appropriate methods for the evaluation of personal skills required to achieve strategic goals. Personal skills ofRead MoreTravel and Tourism Administration Program Structure20692 Words  | 83 Pagesspecific managerial competences. In order to produce competent managers, the courses are delivered in a way that the student participation and activity through a wide range of teaching and learning strategies, such as case studies, projects, group assignments, role plays and lectures, are strongly encouraged. The three four-month periods of industrial placement take place after the end of semesters two, four and six. During the three periods of industrial placement students work and develop theirRead MoreBiology Lab Essay9918 Words  | 40 PagesLab Report Answer the questions below. When you are finished, submit this assignment to your teacher by the due date for full credit. (3 points) ScoreHow do you calculate magnification on a microscope Answer Multiply the lens by the eyepiece magnification to get the total. (4 points) ScoreExplain how to focus a microscope using the high power lens. Include any safety issues you need to be aware of. Answer To focus a microscope using the high power lens, you need to carefully turn the focusing knobRead MoreInternational Business Management Research Paper14582 Words  | 59 Pages The Impact of Fixed Exchange Rates in a Global Economy A Research Project Report on the Relevance of Fixed Exchange Rate Systems A case of World Vision Kenya Student’s Name: Hesbone Nzambuli Kang’e Registration Number: CAM/2006/PGD/KEN/00143 Purpose: Fulfilment of the Requirements of the Postgraduate Diploma in Management Presented to: Cambridge Association of Manger, International Examinations, UK August 2007 DECLARATION I declare that this
Critical Lens Free Essays
According to J. F. Clarke, â€Å"The bravest of individuals is the one who obeys his or her conscience. We will write a custom essay sample on Critical Lens or any similar topic only for you Order Now †In other words, people are only truly brave when they follow their own sense of goodness instead of following others. This idea is clearly evident in the novels A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks and Of Mice and men by John Steinbeck. The quote is exemplified in both novels by the literary element of theme. In A Walk to Remember, Landon Carter befriends unpopular Jamie Sullivan. In Of Mice and Men, George kills his friend Lennie to spare him from a horrific and painful murder. In A Walk to Remember, Jamie Sullivan is an unpopular, religious girl who gets teased constantly for her beliefs. Popular Landon Carter befriends her, and asks her on a date to the homecoming dance at school. His friends tease him for this, but he knows that Jamie is a genuinely good person, and although his friends think differently, he is doing the right thing. The two develop a relationship. Eventually, Jamie confesses that she has an incurable form of leukemia, and is dying. Landon watches her get more ill, but he stays with her as often as he can, and tries to help in any way he can. After Jamie dies, he looks back and realizes that by following his conscience, his life has changed. The theme love conquers all relates to both the quote and the novel. Landon and Jamie’s love for each other changes both of their lives. Throughout Jamie’s illness, Landon learns a lot about himself and life, and his bravery allows him to do that. In Of Mice and Men, George faces a difficult decision. George’s best friend, Lennie, accidentally kills Curley’s wife, and he leaves the ranch. When Curley, the boss of the ranch’s son, discovers the death of his wife, he puts together a mob and sets out to find Lennie and shoot him in his guts. George knows that this will be very painful and agonizing, and he is not sure what to do. He ultimately decides to kill Lennie himself by shooting him in the back of the head. George meets Lennie by the pool of the Salinas River, and tells him his favorite story, the story of the farm. As soon as Lennie is calm, George shoots him. He knows that killing him this way will be instant and without pain. George feels that he is doing the right thing y sparing his friend of pain. The theme of loyalty and sacrifice relates to the quote and novel. George’s loyalty to his friend forces him to sacrifice him. This takes a lot of courage, but by doing this he is sparing his friend of extreme suffering. People are only truly brave when they follow their own sense of goodness. Landon’s bravery allows him to have a great relatio nship and gain knowledge about life. George’s bravery spares his friend of a painful death. Both novels show that the best form of bravery is when a person follows their conscience. How to cite Critical Lens, Papers Critical Lens Free Essays Many times in life, people seek vengeance on one another because they think it’s the right thing, when it’s wrong. However revenge is too tempting there for one cannot retain it. In many situations the person seeking revenge not only hurts themselves but everyone amongst them. We will write a custom essay sample on Critical Lens or any similar topic only for you Order Now Mahatma Gandhi confirms this when he says â€Å"An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind†. This means, from revenge you only end up impairing everyone from the resentful wrongs you perform. Some may agree or disagree with this quote. Euripides shows this quote being true in his play Medea. In the play Medea, the main character Medea is extreme on seeking revenge on her ex-husband, Jason. Jason has left her and their two sons Creon and Creusa for the daughter of the Cornith King. Medea is livid with this action from Jason. Since Jason and the Cornith King(Ceron) are frightened by Medea they decide that her and the children are to be banished from the kingdom. This just makes Medea even more furious towards Jason. The nurse characterizes Medea as being in pain and anguish that she is suffering through the terrible time of Jason leaving her. She also says how Medea is so angry with Jason and his betrayal she is treacherous. This is shown to be true when she plans to kill Ceron and Creusa to punish Jason for betraying her. Heartlessly she kills them to seek revenge on him. She thought hurting Jason meant more to her than her children did even though she loved them. Her plan was to seek retribution upon Jason as she did. Her seeking revenge hurt everyone even though she was proud that she had accomplished making Jason hurt, she had and domestic conflict killing her own children whom she loved very much. As Mahatma Gandhi said â€Å"An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind†, he showed in any situation of seeking vengeance on someone it will end up hurting everyone. In the play Medea, Euripides illustrates this to be true showing how Medea kills her children and hurts Jason and others who loved them and even her internally. Medea ended up hurting Jason and the people she was sourrounded by, by her fanatical actions. How to cite Critical Lens, Essay examples
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Nazi War Criminals Still Out There Essays - Nazi Hunters
Nazi War Criminals Still Out There Nazi War Criminals Still Out There As you walk by and look at hundreds of people everyday, just think, one of these people could have helped Hitler's Nazi Party. One of them could have been in charge of sentencing thousands of Jew's to death each day. These heartless terrible people could be walking around in disguise. They could even be living next door. These people are the thousands of Nazi war criminals that escaped from Germany, dodging being prosecuted for their crimes. Lot's have been caught, but there still many remain. Hermine Braunsteiner, one of the most cruel woman guards, was known for her terrible torturing of women at Ravensbruck and Maidenek concentration camps. She dodged the, and escaped to Canada where she found a husband. Then she moved to the U.S., and even got American citizenship. It was that easy for her to do so. She lied when a question on the citizenship form asked her about past experiences, and just like that she was a true American citizen. It was so eas y for these criminals to do exactly what Hermine Braunsteiner did. Most of them just lied about there past and the country didn't take the time to check out there past. The criminals that had the easiest time escaping were the ones that weren't known of. Hitler had many organizations working for him secretly. These organizations had no trouble escaping. You would think that these people could live without fear, but there's one person they had to fear. Simon Wiesenthal the great Nazi Hunter, is always on their trail. Simon Wiesenthal has no respect for these criminals, and hunts them for pure revenge. No one really knows exactly what part he played during World War II, and the age of the Nazi's, but he holds quite a grudge against Nazi's. Men and women fear him all over the world thinking that someday they may be the one he's after. They have a good reason to be since he is responsible for the capture of over 1,000 former SS men. He's been searching from his Jewish Documentation Cent er in Vienna for the past 40 years. He's been awarded with many honorary degrees including Germany's highest decoration. He's also been praised by former president Carter as one of this centuries True Heroes. This great man has caught so many, but won't quit on his quest for revenge. Here's some people are known of thanks to Simon Wiesenthal right now. Jonas Stelmokas was an officer in the 3rd auxiliary Lithuanian Police Battalion. He played an active role in prosecution and murder of 100's of Jew's in Alytus. He's living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where he was recently stripped of his American Citizenship History Reports
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879 in Ulm, Wurttemberg, Germany. He was the son of Hermann and Paulina Einstein. Einstein was one of the greatest scientists, as well as mathematicians that the world has ever seen. His most famous accomplishment was his theory of relativity, however he made many other valuable contributions. Einstein attended public school in Munich and in Aarau, Switzerland. He studied mathematics and physics at the Swiss Polytechnic institute in Zurich. In 1900, he graduated and from 1902 to 1909, he worked as an examiner at the Swiss Patent Office in Bern. Einstein became a Swiss citizen in 1905. This year was a very busy one for Albert. He published three papers, which made him what we know of today. The first suggested that light could be thought of as a stream of tiny particles. This forms part of the quantum theory. Max Planck, a fellow German physicist, had proposed that the radiation of light occurred in packets of energy called quanta. Einstein used this information to state in his paper that light consisted of quanta. In a second paper, Einstein proposed the special theory of relativity. The paper was titled, The Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies, and it demonstrated the relativity of time. Later in 1905, Einstein also published a study in which he showed the equivalence of mass and energy, which is the famous equation E mc2. Which is energy equals mass times the velocity of light squared. This was a foundation stone in the development of nuclear energy. The third paper of 1905 dealt with Brownian motion. This is an irregular motion of microscopic particles suspended in a liquid or gas. The paper confirmed the atomic theory of matter. These three papers showed the world the immense knowledge possessed by Einstein. In 1909, he became a professor of theoretical physics at the University of Zurich. From 1911 to 1912, he taught at the German U
Monday, March 2, 2020
The Complete List of Community Service Scholarships
The Complete List of Community Service Scholarships SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Did you know that your extracurricular activities can earn you money for college? In particular, there are a lot of scholarships available to students who have chosen to spend their free time helping out others in their communities through volunteer work. Read on for the most complete lists of volunteer scholarships available. We've divided the scholarships by type so you can tell easily if you qualify. Why Community Service Scholarships? If you're the type of person who spends your free time helping others, you probably already know about some of the benefits of this type of work: you get to make a positive impact in your community while getting life experience that will help you develop as a person. But you may not have been aware that there's another potential benefit: community service is also a great way to earn some extra cash for college. Many universities and organizations value individuals who they think will make a difference in the world, and offering scholarships to students who have dedicated their time to improving the lives of others is one way that they can contribute to those changes. How to Find Community Service Scholarships There are a lot of different kinds of community service scholarships, and they come from a lot of different sources, including charities, the government, religious groups, and universities themselves. Some of the scholarships offered will help fund tuition costs, while others will help you pay for charitable projects that you want to organize, or give you the opportunity to do more volunteer work. Though you may not have seen many of these scholarships advertised, there are hundreds of them out there. If you don’t see something on the list below that pertains to you, do an internet search for what you're interested in or specific to the type of work that you have done. Other good resources are the college and financial aid counselors at your high school, who may know of local and national opportunities, as well as scholarships related to volunteer programs at your school. Additionally, ask the organizations where you volunteer if there are any scholarships available. Quite frequently, churches, religious groups, hospitals, and other community clubs and organizations provide awards to help out students with the cost of education. How to Apply for Community Service Scholarships Each of the scholarships listed below has its own application procedure and eligibility requirements. Start looking into the scholarships you're interested in well in advance so that you don’t miss any deadlines. You can also increase your chances of being eligible for more scholarships if you start to plan early. You'll see that many of the scholarships below have very specific eligibility criteria. If you're looking to get involved in a community service project and don’t have anything particular in mind, try choosing something that will make you eligible for one (or more) of these awards. Also keep in mind that the community service work you do can qualify you for several different scholarships. Be sure to apply to all scholarships that you're eligible for, and don’t be intimidated by the wording of the scholarship requirements – it’s always worth a shot to get college money! Key tip: Apply early, and apply often! Not all of these scholarships are limited to high school seniors and college students. If you start applying in 9th grade (or even earlier), you'll have a head start on building up your scholarship fund. List of Community Service Scholarships by Category The following scholarships are grouped according to type of community service or other special requirements. You'll notice that many of these scholarships are available to students who have done any type of community service, as long as you can show significant involvement. Some of these scholarships should fit into more than one category (such as a social activism scholarship that also requires a high GPA). In these cases, I’ve put them in what I consider to be the most restricting group. The categories are: General volunteer scholarships Leadership Financial need Strong academics Specific field of study Environmental focus Special circumstances Special affiliation Certain location or college Minority Social activism Scroll down to the category you most qualify for, or just browse through all the scholarships available! General Volunteer Scholarships The scholarships in this list are for students who have dedicated several hours to volunteer work. There are no particular restrictions about the kind of work you can have done for these awards, but you should be able to show long-term commitment and how you've made an impact. Americorps Vista This service program- with a scholarship awarded at the end- is for students aged 17 and older. You must be willing to commit to 10-11 months of service at a nonprofit organization or government agency. You will receive a living stipend while you are serving. Scholarship awards given at the end of service are $5,815. AXA Achievement Scholarship This scholarship is for ambitious and determined high school seniors who show respect for themselves, their families, and their communities. Students will have the opportunity to win awards of $2,500, $10,000, or $25,000. Bonner Scholars Program This scholarship is for college students with demonstrated financial need who are willing to perform 10 hours of community service per week during the school year and 280 total hours in the summer. The program meets the full documented financial need of each student. Students must be attending a school with a Bonner Scholars program and will apply through their campus. Great Value Colleges Community Service Scholarship Great Value Colleges awards $1,500 to students who have enhanced their educations through community service. LULAC National Scholarship Fund General Awards This award is for entering freshmen who display motivation, sincerity, and community involvement. Multiple awards between $250 and $1,000 are given. Prudential Spirit of Community Awards These awards are for students in grades 5–12 who have participated in community service in the past 12 months. National Honorees receive a $5,000 award, a medallion, a trophy, and a $5,000 grant to a charity of choice. State Honorees receive an award of $1,000, a medallion, and a paid trip to Washington, D.C. Local Honorees receive a Certificate of Achievement. Leadership Scholarships These scholarships are for students who have shown strong leadership skills – the ability to direct and inspire others – along with a dedication to community service. Alliant Energy Community Service Scholarship This essay contest awards $1,000 to 25 students age 24 or under who have leadership roles in community service activities whose families are Alliant customers (Alliant's service area is Iowa and Wisconsin). Comcast Leaders and Achievers Scholarship Program This award is for high school seniors who are nominated by their principals or guidance counselors for having shown a dedication to community service and leadership. There are over a thousand awards of $1,000. Elks National Foundation Most Valuable Student Competition US citizens who have shown leadership, scholarship, and financial need can apply. There are2 awards of $50,000, 2 awards of $40,000, 2 awards of $30,000, 14 awards of $20,000, and 480 awards of $4,000. GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarship This award is for students who show leadership, drive, and good citizenship. There are around 20 awards of $10,000, which are renewable each year of college for up to $40,000. State Farm Good Neighbor Scholarship These scholarships are for high school seniors with a GPA between 2.5 and 3.2 and who are leaders and volunteers in their communities. There are fifty awards of $5,000 each. Financial Need Scholarships These scholarships are aimed at students who have dedicated their time to serving their communities and who also can demonstrate financial need. Horatio Alger Association Scholarship Program High school students who have shown integrity, financial need, academic achievement, and community service may apply for this award. You will need a 2.0 GPA. A family income less than $55K is required. National scholarships of $25,000 are given every year, and smaller state scholarships are available as well. Imagine America High School Scholarship This award is for high school graduates who intend to enroll at a career college. They must have a high school GPA of at least 2.5, be able to demonstrate financial need, and have demonstrated community service during their senior year. Awards are $1,000. Ronald McDonald House Charities US Scholarships Students under 21 who can show financial need and who have academic achievement, leadership, and community service experience are eligible for these awards. Most scholarships are administered through local Ronald McDonald House Charities (like these through RMHC Central Indiana); look for the local office near you. Scholarship amounts vary. Strong Academics Scholarships These scholarships are for students who have managed to balance schoolwork with volunteer work. They are aimed at students who have achieved top grades and test scores. Coca-Cola Scholars Program Scholarship Graduating high school students with who demonstrate academic achievement and who have shown a commitment to improving their communities are eligible for this award.150 awards of $20,000 are given every year. You can also check out our complete guide to winning a Coca Cola Scholarship. Wendy’s High School Heisman Award This award is for rising high school seniors who excel in academics, athletics, and community service. You must have 3.0 GPA. The number of awards and amount varies from $1,000-$10,000. Field of Study Scholarships These scholarships are for students who are planning on pursuing certain degrees while in college. Davidson Fellowships This award is for students under the age of 19 who have done significant work in math, science, technology, music, literature, or philosophy, or another field that will benefit society. There are 20 total awards in amounts of $10,000, $25,000, and $50,000. Dr. Alma S. Adams Scholarships These scholarships are for college students pursuing degrees in public health, communications, social work, education, liberal arts, or a related field. They should have GPA of 2.0+ and demonstrate financial need. Student must provide evidence of community activities including activism, outreach, or peer counseling in tobacco prevention or control. James Beard Foundation Scholarship This is for students who are interested in a culinary career. Applicants should have strong academic record, leadership, and community service.Award amounts vary. James M. and Virginia M. Smyth Scholarship This scholarship is for students with a GPA of 3.0+ who demonstrate financial need and are pursuing a degree in arts and sciences, human services, music, or ministry. Students must have shown a commitment to community service. There is a preference for applicants from Missouri, Mississippi, Georgia, Illinois, Oklahoma, Texas, and Tennessee. 12 – 15 awards of $2,000 are given every year, and they are renewable for up to four years. Mary A. Mades Volunteer Scholarship Award This scholarship is awarded by Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston to a student pursuing a degree in healthcare who has spent at least 125 hours volunteering at Beth Israel over the past 2 years. National Strength and Conditioning Association High School Scholarship This scholarship is for high school seniors with a GPA over 3.0 looking to enter a strength and conditioning field who have a track record of community service and are members of the NSCA. There are multiple $1,500 awards available. Tylenol Future Care Scholarship This award is for college or graduate students studying healthcare, who have high GPAs and can show community involvement. Awards range from $500-$10,000. Check out our complete guide on how to win a Tylenol scholarship. Washington Hospital Service League Volunteer Scholarship This award is for high school seniors and college students in the Washington Hospital District who are pursuing a healthcare-related degree, with a GPA of at least 2.5, and who have volunteered for at least 100 hours in healthcare. The award is $1,000 and is renewable for all 4 years of college. Young Women in Public Affairs Award Women aged 16-19 who are pursuing careers in government, public policy, and community organizations, and who are involved in community service, should apply for this scholarship. Ten international scholarships of $4,000 and up to 32 scholarships of $1,000 are awarded each year. Environmental Focus Scholarships These scholarships are for students who have dedicated their time to helping the environment. Brower Youth Awards This scholarship is for students who have shown leadership in environmental activism. Six awards of $3,000 are given every year, plus a professional film crew will make a short film about the winners’ work. The winner will also receive a week-long trip to California to participate in media engagements and environmental conferences. Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes This scholarship is for students aged 8 - 18 who have made a significant positive difference to people or the environment. There are 25 awards of $5,000. Special Characteristics and Circumstances Scholarships These scholarships are for students who have faced certain challenges or who have special characteristics. LEAGUE Foundation Scholarship LGBT high school seniors with a GPA of 3.0 and above who are involved in community service can apply for this scholarship. Live Out Loud Scholarships This scholarship is for high school seniors who identify as LGBTQ from the tri-state area (New York, New Jersey, or Connecticut). You must demonstrate leadership, a strong academic record, and community service. Awards of up to $10,000 are given every year. National Federations of the Blind Scholarship Legally blind college students from US and Puerto Rico may apply. The winner is chosen based on academic excellence, community service, and leadership. Awards are between $3,000 and $12,000. Up to 30 awards are given each year. PFLAG (Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) Scholarships This scholarship is for high school seniors or college students in New Mexico who are LGBT or a straight ally. Students must show integrity and participation in community activities. Awards are $1,000. Yes, I Can Council for Exceptional Children Award Students between 3 and 21 years old with a disability can be nominated by a teacher, parent, other nominee, or even a self-nomination! The student must be involved in various activities including volunteer work. Special Affiliations Scholarships These scholarships are for students who are associated with certain groups. Americorps National Civilian Community Corps This scholarship is for U.S. citizens between 18 and 24 who are willing to serve on Americorps campuses in Denver, Sacramento, Baltimore, Vinton (IA) or Vicksburg (MS). Winners must commit to 10 months of service in the region. The scholarship awarded at the close of service isfor $5,815. Burger King Scholars Program These awards are for Burger King employees or relatives of employees who show good citizenship and commitment to the community. Eagle Scout Scholarship The National Eagle Scout Association offers two kinds of awards for Eagle Scouts: academic awards and merit awards. Academic scholarships are offered in amounts up to $50,000, and merit scholarships are offered up to $5,000. Academic scholarship applicants must be in their senior year of high school. Merit scholarship applicants must be high school seniors or college students not past their junior year of study. Jesse Brown Scholarship Students aged 21 and under who have done at least 100 hours of community service to serve veterans at a VA medical center can apply for these awards. There is one top scholarship of $20,000, and additional scholarships of $15,000, $10,000, $7,500, and $5,000. National Honor Society Scholarship Program These awards are for high school students who are members of NHS. Any senior member of a chapter may apply. Awards come in a variety of amounts depending on how far the student advances in the scholarship competition and range from about $3,000-$22,000. Navin Narayan College Scholarship This award is for high school seniors who have served at least 2 years as a Red Cross volunteer. There is a one-time award of $1,000. Siemens Foundation Scholarship This $4,000 award is for high school juniors who are children of full-time Siemens employees and who have an excellent academic record and have made significant contributions to the community. Certain Location or College Scholarships These volunteer awards are only available to students who are from a certain location or are planning on attending college in certain areas. Albert Shanker UFT College Scholarship Fund This award is available toNew York City public high school seniors with good academic standing and who can show leadership in the community. Students must also be eligible for Pell Grants and have a family income below a certain threshold. The award is for $5,000. Boettcher Foundation Scholarship This scholarship is for academically gifted Colorado high school students. Applicants must alsohave community service and leadership experience. The award is for full tuition, fees, and a $2,800 annual living expenses stipend for attending one of the Scholarship-approved colleges within Colorado (list on website). Financial Services Center of New York Scholarship Program This scholarship is for seniors from New York City and the surrounding counties who have shown academic achievement, leadership, and who have performed at least 50 hours of community service per school year. There are several awards ranging from $2,000-$7,500 given. Ford Scholars Program High school seniors or community college students enrolling in a bachelor’s degree in Oregon or California, who are residents of Oregon or Siskiyou County, California, can apply for this award. Students should show financial need, good character, have a GPA of 3.0 or higher, and show concern for others through volunteer projects. Up to 120 awards between $1,000 and $25,000 are granted every year; award amounts are based on need and cover up to 90% of costs not covered by other sources. Garrett J. Goodchild Achievement Award This scholarship is for high school seniors from Eastlake High School or Redmond High School who plan to attend one of the 10 independent colleges of Washington. Students must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 and have demonstrated leadership and community service. Awards are of $2,500. They are renewable up to 4 years for a total of $10,000 as long as a 3.0 GPA is maintained. Green Mountain College’s Make a Difference Scholarship This award at Green Mountain College in Poultney, Vermont, is for a student who has made a significant positive difference in the community or the lives of others. The award covers tuition, room and board for four years. You must ask a teacher or mentor to nominate you. Montezuma Lodge Scholarship These scholarships are for first year college students from Santa Fe, who have good GPAs and have shown leadership in the community. At least 3 awards of approximately $2,000 each are given every year. Newman Civic Fellows Award This scholarship is for college students who have shown leadership skills and involvement in solving community problems. You must attend a Campus Compact member institution and be nominated by a college/university chancellor or president. The award amount varies. New York Times College Scholarship Program This award is for New York City high school seniors who have shown a commitment to education and community service. The award is up to $15,000 per year, renewable for three years. Recipients also receive mentoring and a summer internship at the New York Times. Stanley O. McNaughton Community Service Award These awards are for college juniors and seniors attending one of the Independent Colleges of Washington. You must demonstrate a history of dedicated volunteer service throughout high school and college and have financial need. There are three awards of $2,500. Thurgood Marshall College Scholarship Fund This fund offers a number of scholarshipsfor high school seniors or college students enrolled at one of 47 historically black public colleges. The number and amount of awards varies. Tyler/Grandmaison MELMAC Scholarship This award is for high school seniors from any high school in Maine. You must be nominated by your principal for facing obstacles in pursuit of higher education, having financial need, being a solid citizen of your school, and showing a commitment to making a difference in the community. Minority Group Scholarships These scholarships are for students who have affiliations with certain minority groups or a particularethnicity. Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Scholar-Intern Program These scholarships are for Latinx students with strong academics who have a history of performing public service and charitable activities in the community. Students must have financial need and strong writing skills. Students will also receive an internship placement. Award amount varies. Columbus Citizens Foundation College Scholarship Program High school seniors of Italian descent (at least 25%) with household incomes less than $25,000 per person in the household can apply for this scholarship. You should also have a GPA of 3.0 or higher, and have shown commitment to community service. The award amount varies. Hispanic Heritage Youth Awards These awards are for Hispanic rising seniors with GPAs of at least 3.5 and above who have shown commitment to community service. Japanese American Citizens League Scholarships These scholarships are for high school students and college students who are JACL members (you do not need to be of Japanese/Japanese heritage to be member - anyone can join). You will have to submit a personal statement, your academic record, letters of recommendation, details about your community service, and details about your work experience. There are separate awards for entering Freshmen, and current undergraduate students. The award amounts vary. RHMC/HACER National Scholarship This scholarship is for Hispanic high school seniors (at least one parent of Hispanic/Latino heritage) who show academic achievement, financial need, and community involvement. There are a small number of large national awards ($25,000 per year) and some additional local awards of at least $1,000. Ron Brown Scholarships These scholarships are for African American high school seniors who have financial need, academic excellence, leadership, and community service experience. The awards are $10,000/year, and are renewable for up to 4 years (for a total of $40,000). Whitney M. Young, Jr. Memorial Scholarship These awards are given to minority New York City residents who are high school graduates, and have strong academic achievement, leadership skills, and commitment to community service. The program awards scholarships between $1,500 and $5,000. Worldstudio AIGA Scholarships This award is for minority and economically disadvantaged students who are studying art and design, and also have shown a commitment to community service. Basic scholarships are in the amount of $2,000-$3,000. There are also two additional awards of up to $5,000 and honorable mention prizes of $500. Social Activism Scholarships These scholarships are aimed at students who have been working hard to bring about changes in society. Davis-Putter Scholarship This scholarship is for college students who are actively involved in fighting for social justice or civil rights. Multiple awards up to $10,000 are given every year. Margaret McNamara Education Grants This scholarship is for women from developing countries who are pursuing study in the U.S. or Canada. Note that awardees must be at least 25 years of age. Grant awards are for up to $15,000. Princeton Prize in Race Relations This $1,000-prize is awarded to students in grades 9–12 who have been involved in community service in the past 12 months and have encouraged positive race relations. Students will also be invited to attend a symposium at Princeton. Stephen J. Brady Stop Hunger Scholarship This scholarship is for students aged 5–25 who have shown on-going commitment to an unpaid volunteer activity in the past year that involves fighting hunger. Additional consideration is given if you have been fighting childhood hunger. Winners will receive an award of $5,000 for their education plus a $5,000 grant in their name to a hunger-related charity of their choice. What's Next? Looking for tips on how to win top scholarships? Check out our guides to the Walmart Scholarship, National Merit Scholarship, Tylenol Scholarship, and standardized test scholarships. If you're concerned about paying for college, here's a complete guide to figuring out how much college will cost for you. Getting into college requires a strong application, including SAT/ACT scores. How high of an SAT score or ACT score do you need to get into your top colleges? Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Friday, February 14, 2020
Business Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 15
Business Ethics - Essay Example is a right that is inherent to all human beings, irrespective of their nationality, sex, location, ethnic or national origin, religion, color, language or whichever other status (Fiester, 2006). What is common among all of the rights is that there is a freedom or entitlement to an individual. There are three features that define a moral right. One feature is that moral rights are natural meaning that they are not invented or created by the government. Moral rights are universal and this means they do not change from one nation to another. Finally they are equal in meaning and they are the same for all persons, irrespective of race, gender or handicap (Fiester, 2006). We know that people need human rights since they need protection. Human rights give people protection from other people or state. Individuals should have rights so as to be able to protect their freedom, interests, equal status, values, opportunities and other projects of life against the attack by those powerful than them. A utilitarian basis, in a sense that is strict is the one that argues that one should do something as it will produce more happiness to the greatest number than doing something else. Act Utilitarianism (AU) is defined as the moral theory that holds that the morally right action, the action that one has a moral duty to perform, is the one that is likely to maximize utility (Barasbi, 2011). The utilitarian argument in the sense of a looser is the one that claims that one should do something due to its good results, where bad or good results need not be restricted to what increases or decreases happiness. However, it may comprise other things that a strict utilitarian theory attaches no negative or positive fundamental value to. Kantian ethics is based on what Immanuel Kant alleged is the absolute principle of morality, the Categorical Imperative. He alleged that there were a few diverse though equal ways of positioning a Categorical Imperative. The first is the universal law
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Article Review (human resource management) Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Review (human resource management) - Article Example e, the best performing companies are in a league of organizations that have shifted their focus from development and expansion of facilities to personal development. These include McDonald’s, General Electric, American Express, among others. In a survey carried out by Chief Executive Magazine involving more than 300 global firms, almost all respondents ranked identifying and finding the right leaders as the biggest challenge, with prospects of demand for leadership increasing to the future (Maxwell, 2006). This implies that companies in addition to experiencing challenges in creating a pipeline of leaders within their operations have also to develop new skills and capabilities in accordance with business transformations, investing in leading technologies, and globalizing their operations, in addition to entering into new challenging partnerships. Sam Palmisano, President and CEO of IBM explained that the biggest challenge for companies in embracing globalization, and the main aspect that drives businesses in the current sophisticated market is and has been obtaining and retaining a supply of â€Å"high value skills†(Palmisano, 2006). This explains the strategic decisions by leading companies such as MacDonald’s to review development of the leading 200 managers in ensuring their talents are in tandem with the current market dynamics, and finding ways of imparting more skills to make them more competitive; this puts them in line with the current management demands in a highly dynamic global market. On the other hand, maintaining a high degree of strategic, cultural, and internal fit within an organization ensures such an organization has a perfect system of practices; an organization must not only focus on talent management, but has also to take interests in â€Å"organization learning and knowledge management†(Evans, Pucik & Barsoux, 2002). Therefore, companies will always attain a competitive advantage not only in designing best pr actices, but because
Friday, January 24, 2020
The Grande Odalisqe :: Art Analysis
The Grande Odalisqe The Grande Odalisque painted in 1884, drew many criticisms. There were complaints about the lifelessness of the subject, the fact that she has three vertebrae too many. It illustrates the rather strange mixture of Ingres’s artistic allegiances. His subject, the reclining nude figure, is traditional, going back to Giorgione and Titian; but by converting her into an odalisque, an inhabitant of a Turkish harem, he makes a strong concession to the contemporary Romantic taste for the exotic. Ingres treats the figure in his own â€Å"sculpturesque†style: polished surfaces and simple rounded volumes controlled by rhythmically flowing contours. The smoothness of the planes of the body is complemented by the broken, busy shapes of the drapery. His admiration for Raphael is shown in the borrowing of that master’s type of female head and headdress, and an inclination of the head, as it can bee seen in Raphael’s Madonna of the Chair. But Ingres is drawing not only from the High Renaissance, for his figures languid pose and her proportions (small head, elongated limbs) betray his debt to such Mannerists as Parmigianino, as does the generally cool colour scheme. Often Criticized for not being a colourist, Ingres in fact, had a superb colour sense. It is true that he did not seem to think of his paintings primarily in terms of colour, as did Delacroix, but he did far more than simply tint his drawings for emphasis. In this painting Ingres creates colour and tonal relationships so tasteful and subtle as to render them unforgettable. Never insisting on likeness for its own sake, Ingres rarly fails to produce a striking characterization and, analogously to the smooth, formal treatment he gives his nudes, never fails to impart to both characterization and setting an air of suave elegance.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Increasing Crime Rates in India and Ways to Curb It Essay
Human society is gradually but surely criminalised.Everyday the newspapers report ghastly murders, sensational robberies , rapes , thefts and kidnappings. Naturally , the graph of crime in today’s society is sharply on the rise . Living has become quite risky , unplesant and unsafe . Women and old people are the worst suffers. Our cities have become the dens of smugglers and criminals . The capitals of India , new delhi , has earned a rare notoriety in this respect . It is not only political capital but also the crime-capital of India . Growing unemployment and lacks of motivation among the educatedyoungmen have drawn many of them to the world of crimes . Thefts and way-layings are no more the monoply of illiterate ruffians . Gradustes in jeans are now the active members of the crime-world . The new wave of consumerism has added only fuel to the fire. craze for the foreign goods , cars , bikes , dresses , and cosmetics has fuelled their ambition . They need fats money to fulfil their never dying desires. Another main reason is broken families or single parenthood. here children will not get any attention neither from the family nor from the society; feels alone and makes them engage in crimes. For instance , Children those have unpleasant past experiences would be rebellious to society. Medias like internet, and detective novels also plays a tangible role in making them worse. There are no short cuts to reduce the growing crime rate in society ofcourse , it is the duty of the police to maintain law and order in public . Efficent and impartial fuctioning of the police can help in curbing the crime rate in society . But the health of society depends om many other factors. The army of unemployed youngmen is sweling . Naked materialism and consumerism have overpowered their minds and morals . Moral education in school can quite helpful in bringing down the crime rate effectively. To put it in a nutshell, todays children are tomorrows law abiding citizens. Everything should start from the root level. Government and society are equally responsible to make them perfect and to avoid crimes.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
The Performance Of An Organization - 1194 Words
Introduction The performance of an organization is dependent on the decision made within the organization and beyond. In recent months, the United States has seen the enactment of several Executive Orders by the newly elected President Donald Trump. The impact that these orders possess is far reaching with the possibility of influencing the salary systems. Executive Order President Donald Trump’s Executive Order on Immigration is one that has elicited mixed reactions with many people taking part in street protests and online campaigns against the president and his leadership style. Primarily, the executive order provides that people from other countries are welcome into the country, but after thorough vetting. The executive order goes†¦show more content†¦It is apparent that different parts of the organization have and require different types of resources. The company takes active steps towards aligning these resources with the set company objectives. The second step involves empowering the employees through refined objectives that align with the work force and the performance expectations (Martocchio, 2013). The third step involves developing a performance-based reward system. This is followed by the development of a real-time information system that monitors employee performance and compares the performance against the organizationâ €™s objectives (Martocchio, 2013). Moreover, the organization optimizes its link by employing analytics to identify areas that can be improved upon. Steps and Means of Connecting Pay for Performance Linking pay to performance involves twelve critical steps. The first step involves succinctly defining the organization’s strategic objective. The second step involves establishing the structure and size of the resources in the organization. Thirdly, the resources are then linked to the objectives and budgets. Fourthly, the objectives are shared with the workforce while the fifth step involves aligning the workforce with the work. The sixth step entails setting production quotas for employees while the seventh and eighth step involves performance review and competencies and training respectively (Martocchio, 2013). The ninth stepShow MoreRelatedOrganizations Performance1357 Words  | 6 PagesAn organization’s performance is vital for their success and it is important that all employees are on board with making sure the performance is of high quality.  It differs from other evaluations within the company because the performance evaluation â€Å"focuses on the org anization as the primary unit of analysis†(Evaluating the Performance of an Organization, 2012).  Within an organization’s performance it helps determine the actual output or end results of an organization against the intended outputsRead MoreThe Performance Of An Organization1579 Words  | 7 Pages INTRODUCTION The performance of any organisation is measured by a number of ways like the conducting of surveys; some visible features like communication, poor leadership skills, recruiting and selecting inefficient staff for a job can also affect performance negatively or positively. 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