Friday, January 24, 2020
The Grande Odalisqe :: Art Analysis
The Grande Odalisqe The Grande Odalisque painted in 1884, drew many criticisms. There were complaints about the lifelessness of the subject, the fact that she has three vertebrae too many. It illustrates the rather strange mixture of Ingres’s artistic allegiances. His subject, the reclining nude figure, is traditional, going back to Giorgione and Titian; but by converting her into an odalisque, an inhabitant of a Turkish harem, he makes a strong concession to the contemporary Romantic taste for the exotic. Ingres treats the figure in his own â€Å"sculpturesque†style: polished surfaces and simple rounded volumes controlled by rhythmically flowing contours. The smoothness of the planes of the body is complemented by the broken, busy shapes of the drapery. His admiration for Raphael is shown in the borrowing of that master’s type of female head and headdress, and an inclination of the head, as it can bee seen in Raphael’s Madonna of the Chair. But Ingres is drawing not only from the High Renaissance, for his figures languid pose and her proportions (small head, elongated limbs) betray his debt to such Mannerists as Parmigianino, as does the generally cool colour scheme. Often Criticized for not being a colourist, Ingres in fact, had a superb colour sense. It is true that he did not seem to think of his paintings primarily in terms of colour, as did Delacroix, but he did far more than simply tint his drawings for emphasis. In this painting Ingres creates colour and tonal relationships so tasteful and subtle as to render them unforgettable. Never insisting on likeness for its own sake, Ingres rarly fails to produce a striking characterization and, analogously to the smooth, formal treatment he gives his nudes, never fails to impart to both characterization and setting an air of suave elegance.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Increasing Crime Rates in India and Ways to Curb It Essay
Human society is gradually but surely criminalised.Everyday the newspapers report ghastly murders, sensational robberies , rapes , thefts and kidnappings. Naturally , the graph of crime in today’s society is sharply on the rise . Living has become quite risky , unplesant and unsafe . Women and old people are the worst suffers. Our cities have become the dens of smugglers and criminals . The capitals of India , new delhi , has earned a rare notoriety in this respect . It is not only political capital but also the crime-capital of India . Growing unemployment and lacks of motivation among the educatedyoungmen have drawn many of them to the world of crimes . Thefts and way-layings are no more the monoply of illiterate ruffians . Gradustes in jeans are now the active members of the crime-world . The new wave of consumerism has added only fuel to the fire. craze for the foreign goods , cars , bikes , dresses , and cosmetics has fuelled their ambition . They need fats money to fulfil their never dying desires. Another main reason is broken families or single parenthood. here children will not get any attention neither from the family nor from the society; feels alone and makes them engage in crimes. For instance , Children those have unpleasant past experiences would be rebellious to society. Medias like internet, and detective novels also plays a tangible role in making them worse. There are no short cuts to reduce the growing crime rate in society ofcourse , it is the duty of the police to maintain law and order in public . Efficent and impartial fuctioning of the police can help in curbing the crime rate in society . But the health of society depends om many other factors. The army of unemployed youngmen is sweling . Naked materialism and consumerism have overpowered their minds and morals . Moral education in school can quite helpful in bringing down the crime rate effectively. To put it in a nutshell, todays children are tomorrows law abiding citizens. Everything should start from the root level. Government and society are equally responsible to make them perfect and to avoid crimes.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
The Performance Of An Organization - 1194 Words
Introduction The performance of an organization is dependent on the decision made within the organization and beyond. In recent months, the United States has seen the enactment of several Executive Orders by the newly elected President Donald Trump. The impact that these orders possess is far reaching with the possibility of influencing the salary systems. Executive Order President Donald Trump’s Executive Order on Immigration is one that has elicited mixed reactions with many people taking part in street protests and online campaigns against the president and his leadership style. Primarily, the executive order provides that people from other countries are welcome into the country, but after thorough vetting. The executive order goes†¦show more content†¦It is apparent that different parts of the organization have and require different types of resources. The company takes active steps towards aligning these resources with the set company objectives. The second step involves empowering the employees through refined objectives that align with the work force and the performance expectations (Martocchio, 2013). The third step involves developing a performance-based reward system. This is followed by the development of a real-time information system that monitors employee performance and compares the performance against the organizationâ €™s objectives (Martocchio, 2013). Moreover, the organization optimizes its link by employing analytics to identify areas that can be improved upon. Steps and Means of Connecting Pay for Performance Linking pay to performance involves twelve critical steps. The first step involves succinctly defining the organization’s strategic objective. The second step involves establishing the structure and size of the resources in the organization. Thirdly, the resources are then linked to the objectives and budgets. Fourthly, the objectives are shared with the workforce while the fifth step involves aligning the workforce with the work. The sixth step entails setting production quotas for employees while the seventh and eighth step involves performance review and competencies and training respectively (Martocchio, 2013). 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