Thursday, May 21, 2020
Electronic Medical Records Information And Privacy
In a world full of electronics it would only seem logical to have health records electronic. Not only are medical records efficient, reliable, and quick to access, new technology allow patients to access their own personal medical records with a simple to use login and password. â€Å"People are asking whether any kind of electronic records can be made safe. If one is looking for a 100% privacy guarantee, the answer is no†(Thede, 2010). At my hospital, upon every admission we ask the patient for a password for friends and family to have to have if they would like an update on the patient s condition. We do not let visitors come up and see the patient without the patient s consent. In doing these things, we help to ensure the safety and protection of the patient s health information and privacy. The Writer’s Opinion to organize your material I am all for electronic medical records. I have been in the healthcare field long enough to remember when patients medical records were paper. In my experience, paper medical records allow for patient privacy to be compromised. Some examples on how patient privacy can be disturbed when it comes to paper medical records are that almost anyone can go into the patient s chart that is in the nurses station. This can include physical and occupational therapists, certified nursing assistants, nurses and physicians who are not caring for the patient. There have been times where I have walked to the nurses station at my job and itShow MoreRelatedMedical Professionals Should Always Value A Patient s Ethical Right833 Words  | 4 PagesMedical professionals should always value a patient’s ethical right to privacy and confidentiality. Under the HIPPA law, there are still concerns with the protection of patient privacy; therefore, healthcare professionals must confront the growin g technological environment and find ways to increase access security, as well as discipline employees that violate a patient’s privacy. Electronic health records can be beneficial to providers from a cost and efficiency standpoint, but are patients reallyRead MoreBenefits Of An Ehr For Medical Records1557 Words  | 7 PagesDiscussion Although the general population has concerns about who has the ability to access their medical records, data has been put into place showed that the general population knows that having an EHR would be beneficial (Thede, 2010). Research has suggested that patients, providers and insurance companies have benefited from EHRs because insurance companies do not have to pay for duplicate testing as well as patients and providers having the ability to increase the quality of care that is providerRead MoreAdvantages and Disadvantages of Using Electronic Medical Records1237 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿Electronic Medical Records: Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) are computerized clinical records that are created in care delivery organizations like hospitals and physicians offices. Since their discovery, electronic medical records have been increasingly used by primary care physicians as a way to effectively manage the huge number of patient information. Many physicians and hospital staffs have stated that the EMR systems have had a huge impact on their management of patients records and theirRead More Electronic Health Record Essay1295 Words  | 6 Pagespaper based medical records, a new type of record keeping has surfaced - the Electronic Health Record (EHR). EHR is an electronic or digital format concept of an individual’s past and present medical history. It is the principle storage place for data and information about the health care services provided to an individual patient. It is maintained by a provider over time and capable of being shared across different healthcare settings by networ k-connected information systems. 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Title II is a national safeguard against electronic healthcare transactions and creates provisions for the safety and privacy of health information (Polito, 2012). HIPAA privacy rules protect patients privacy and provide patients access to their medical records. The security standards include certain integrity, privacy, and physical safeguards component, protecting computer systems and network system from physical intrusion andRead MoreAn Electronic Health Record ( Ehr )1315 Words  | 6 Pagesprotect patients’ healthcare information since they first introduced The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPPA). Since that time, technology has paved the way for The Electronic Health Record (EHR). Those that promote the usage of the EHR as the standard of care, strongly believe that the risks of privacy are outweighed by the benefits that it brings. These benefits include, but are not limited to: improved patient care, decreased medical errors, and better collaborationRead MoreSystem For Financially Penalizing Providers That Do Not Comply With The New Requirements954 Words  | 4 Pageswith the new requirem ents. As the relevant literature indicates, electronic health records will have man consequences not only for health care providers and their staffs but also for patients and their family members, insurance companies, IT developers, and others. Information on these consequences was gathered from peer-reviewed publications as well other reputable academic, medical, and media sources. In examining the information, it is evident that there are both advantages and disadvantages
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Assignment for Pgd - 1041 Words
Nelson College London Coursework Assessment Feedback (Final Submission) Course Details Course Name Unit number Unit Name Credit Value Lecturer Hand Out Date Hand In Date 11/03/2011 BTEC Advanced Professional Diploma in Strategic Management Leadership (Level7) 9 Managing Corporate Responsibility In The Wider Business Environment 10 A.Ismail ï‚ · This assignment must be completed by all the candidates undertaking Edexcel BTEC Level-7 Advanced Professional Diploma in Management. Reasonable consideration will be given in the case of failure to submit the assignments on time due to any medical reasons. ( Provided the sufficient medical proof is made available at the time of exemption) Late submissions are not allowed and will be†¦show more content†¦In case of any concerns or matters report to your unit lecturer/programme leader/course administrator at least 2 weeks before submission date. Late submissions are not allowed and will be penalised Due consideration will be given to students who have failed to submit their scripts due to any major illness or medical condition. ï‚ · ï‚ · Submission Declaration I declare that the work contained in this assignment is my own. Referencing is provided for citation and research materials. I authorise the NCL/Edexcel to test any work submitted by me, using text comparison software, for instances of plagiarism. I understand this will involve the NCL or Edexcel or its contractor copying my work and storing it on a database to be used in future to test work submitted by others. Signed Date Note: The attachment of this statement on any electronically submitted assignment will be deemed to have the same authority as a signed statement. For Office Use Only Date received from Student Academic Staff member Olympic House, Clements Road, Ilford, IG1 1BA, T: ++44(0) 20 8514 0033, F: ++ 44 (0) 20 8478 7695Show MoreRelatedAbp Assignments1021 Words  | 5 PagesA.A. Hamilton College, London Assignment Outline Module tutor | | Email | | Course | PGD level 7 | Unit Title | | Study methods: Assessment | | Handout Date: | Submission Deadline: | ------------------------------------------------- Student Name: Student ID: I hereby certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own. Where the work of others has been used to support my work then credit has been acknowledged. Signature: †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Date:Read MoreSwot and Pestel Analysis of an Organisation of Your Choice. 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Critical Lens Free Essays
According to J. F. Clarke, â€Å"The bravest of individuals is the one who obeys his or her conscience. We will write a custom essay sample on Critical Lens or any similar topic only for you Order Now †In other words, people are only truly brave when they follow their own sense of goodness instead of following others. This idea is clearly evident in the novels A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks and Of Mice and men by John Steinbeck. The quote is exemplified in both novels by the literary element of theme. In A Walk to Remember, Landon Carter befriends unpopular Jamie Sullivan. In Of Mice and Men, George kills his friend Lennie to spare him from a horrific and painful murder. In A Walk to Remember, Jamie Sullivan is an unpopular, religious girl who gets teased constantly for her beliefs. Popular Landon Carter befriends her, and asks her on a date to the homecoming dance at school. His friends tease him for this, but he knows that Jamie is a genuinely good person, and although his friends think differently, he is doing the right thing. The two develop a relationship. Eventually, Jamie confesses that she has an incurable form of leukemia, and is dying. Landon watches her get more ill, but he stays with her as often as he can, and tries to help in any way he can. After Jamie dies, he looks back and realizes that by following his conscience, his life has changed. The theme love conquers all relates to both the quote and the novel. Landon and Jamie’s love for each other changes both of their lives. Throughout Jamie’s illness, Landon learns a lot about himself and life, and his bravery allows him to do that. In Of Mice and Men, George faces a difficult decision. George’s best friend, Lennie, accidentally kills Curley’s wife, and he leaves the ranch. When Curley, the boss of the ranch’s son, discovers the death of his wife, he puts together a mob and sets out to find Lennie and shoot him in his guts. George knows that this will be very painful and agonizing, and he is not sure what to do. He ultimately decides to kill Lennie himself by shooting him in the back of the head. George meets Lennie by the pool of the Salinas River, and tells him his favorite story, the story of the farm. As soon as Lennie is calm, George shoots him. He knows that killing him this way will be instant and without pain. George feels that he is doing the right thing y sparing his friend of pain. The theme of loyalty and sacrifice relates to the quote and novel. George’s loyalty to his friend forces him to sacrifice him. This takes a lot of courage, but by doing this he is sparing his friend of extreme suffering. People are only truly brave when they follow their own sense of goodness. Landon’s bravery allows him to have a great relatio nship and gain knowledge about life. George’s bravery spares his friend of a painful death. Both novels show that the best form of bravery is when a person follows their conscience. How to cite Critical Lens, Papers Critical Lens Free Essays Many times in life, people seek vengeance on one another because they think it’s the right thing, when it’s wrong. However revenge is too tempting there for one cannot retain it. In many situations the person seeking revenge not only hurts themselves but everyone amongst them. We will write a custom essay sample on Critical Lens or any similar topic only for you Order Now Mahatma Gandhi confirms this when he says â€Å"An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind†. This means, from revenge you only end up impairing everyone from the resentful wrongs you perform. Some may agree or disagree with this quote. Euripides shows this quote being true in his play Medea. In the play Medea, the main character Medea is extreme on seeking revenge on her ex-husband, Jason. Jason has left her and their two sons Creon and Creusa for the daughter of the Cornith King. Medea is livid with this action from Jason. Since Jason and the Cornith King(Ceron) are frightened by Medea they decide that her and the children are to be banished from the kingdom. This just makes Medea even more furious towards Jason. The nurse characterizes Medea as being in pain and anguish that she is suffering through the terrible time of Jason leaving her. She also says how Medea is so angry with Jason and his betrayal she is treacherous. This is shown to be true when she plans to kill Ceron and Creusa to punish Jason for betraying her. Heartlessly she kills them to seek revenge on him. She thought hurting Jason meant more to her than her children did even though she loved them. Her plan was to seek retribution upon Jason as she did. Her seeking revenge hurt everyone even though she was proud that she had accomplished making Jason hurt, she had and domestic conflict killing her own children whom she loved very much. As Mahatma Gandhi said â€Å"An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind†, he showed in any situation of seeking vengeance on someone it will end up hurting everyone. In the play Medea, Euripides illustrates this to be true showing how Medea kills her children and hurts Jason and others who loved them and even her internally. Medea ended up hurting Jason and the people she was sourrounded by, by her fanatical actions. How to cite Critical Lens, Essay examples
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